ABBFP&W has been involved with the Argentine-German business community for over 40 years. Its presence has been constant in the sector and supporting activities for foreign investments in Argentina. We provide comprehensive advisory services to a number of European companies. These are medium-sized enterprises and large companies with headquarters mainly in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Examples of these companies are Volkswagen, Münchener Rück, Nycomed, Nestlé, Deutz and Yesos Knauf.

From its inception, ABBFP&W has advised and accompanied European investors in Argentina, helping them identify business opportunities, select their local partners, and effectively instrument their commercial operations.
Far from being confined to the mere supply of advisory services in the German language, the aim pursued by ABBFP&W’s German Desk consists in interpreting the needs of its customers identifying the most effective solution thanks to its professionals’ in-depth knowledge of the German-speaking business community and its idiosyncrasy, thus permitting to remove cultural barriers and leading to a smooth process at the time of making strategic decisions.
The professionals who work at ABBFP&W’s German Desk combine the experience of being or having been the external counsel and/or the heads of the legal affairs departments of leading German companies, members of their Board of Directors and Supervisory Committees, and executives in German companies, both in Argentina and abroad. Besides, they are active members of the German-Argentine Chamber of Industry and Commerce and the German-Argentine Law Association.
ABBFP&W has fluid contact and has established strategic alliances with the main law firms of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, which places our law firm in an unmatched position to provide the clients shared with any such law firm with comprehensive all-encompassing advice, which also includes the structuring of highly-complex investments in Argentina and related tax planning strategies.